How we learn at Connaught...
Quality of Education
The Curriculum
What do we mean by curriculum?
‘Education is a social process; education is growth; education is not preparation for life but is life itself’ - John Dewey
At Connaught we want to ensure that our curriculum is relevant to students' lives. and like John Dewey, we see learning as the development of practical life skills, crucial to children's education. Our curriculum is therefore designed to develop the key skills of communication, independence, personal and social skills, emotional regulation, physical development, and life skills whilst placing the child at the centre and ensuring that the curriculum’s content and learning experiences are personalised to meet individual needs.
Learning is driven by the pupils’ Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) outcomes and in order to achieve these, there are a set of frameworks which includes knowledge and understanding to be gained. The context in which this is delivered is via a set of subjects so that pupils are exposed to a wider variety of experiences during their time with us at Connaught.
We strive to support pupils to be happy and to have a good quality of life. We want them to know and understand more and provide them with the tools they need to self-regulate their emotions whilst being as independent as possible.